Friday 30 October 2015

Stages of Team Development

Do you believe teams go through stages, or do you think everything is just a blur? Psychologist Bruce Tuckman developed theories regarding the cycle that each group goes through during their lifespan. I will describe these stages later in this post. 

You may ask, why should team members know about the stages that they will be experiencing? My response is that it’s helpful for teams to understand their development. Once informed, each member will be aware of the normal behaviour during that stage. They will also be able to predict what each stage will be like as they experience it. This definitely benefits the team and will lead them to be more successful.

Now, let me explain the theories of group development so you too can understand.

Stage 1: Forming
  • Why is the group together?
  • What are the members’ roles?
  • How do you interact with each other?
  • Not much work gets done
  • Get to know each other
  • Begin to develop trust
Stage 2: Storming
  • Happens once the team is clear about their purpose
  • Figure out how to proceed
  • Identify problems
  • Share information
  • Question differences
  • Conflict arises, usually about power and control
  • Roles are defined
  • Work levels continue to be low
  • Some groups never move out of this stage
Stage 3: Norming
  • Competitiveness has been worked through
  • Greater acceptance
  • Listen to one another
  • Resolve differences
  • Consensus occurs
  • Decision making
  • Roles are clarified 
Stage 4: Performing
  • Some groups never make it to this stage
  • Achieve a higher level of trust  
  • Power is shared
  • Appreciation for one another
  • Information is shared openly
  • Relationships become important
  • Task may get accomplished
  • Routines have been established
  • Reaching this stage is gratifying

Once you are familiar with these stages, you are able to identify what is happening with your team. Also, you are able to reflect, which leads to growth for future team tasks.

Below is a video that describes Tuckman’s stages:
Do you agree or disagree with any of these 4 stages? Have you ever made it all the way to the performing stage?


Guffey, M. E. & Loewy, D. & Rhodes, K. & Rogin, P. (2015). Business Communication Process and Product. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education Ltd.
McKinlay, L. & Ross, H. (2008). You and Others. Toronto, ON: Pearson Education Canada.


  1. I liked the pictures of the mice co-operating with each other. A nicely designed and informative blog.

    1. Thank you Ben! I thought it was a cute little photo to show teamwork from a different perspective.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
