Friday 30 October 2015

Working in a Team vs. Independently

Why should you want to work in a team when you can independently complete a task to your liking?

This question actually had me thinking a lot. Personally, I enjoy working independently slightly more than in a team. I like working alone for the following reasons: 
  • I am in control
  • I am the one responsible for the outcome
  • I can do things at my own pace

These are the reasons I enjoy working in a team:
  • Ideas are shared
  • We help each other understand the task
  • If there is a lot of work, the load gets divided

These days, it is very important to enjoy teamwork. As a student, you have to work in a team for many assignments. I think this is great, but it can be challenging because each member usually shares the same grade. As an employee, you pretty much always have to work in a team. I am sure you can quickly identify the pros and cons of working in a team vs. independently through your own experiences.

According to my textbook, businesses form teams for the following reasons:
  • Better decisions
  • Faster responses
  • Increased productivity
  • Greater buy-in
  • Less resistance to change
  • Improved employee morale
  • Reduced risks

Working as a team allows members to share their different perspectives instead of being limited to one idea. On the other hand, there are circumstances where individuals are introverted; therefore they do their best work outside of a team. It is important to be aware of this and find balance.

Teamwork allows members to feel a sense of support that they would not have if they were working independently. Working in a team can also cause the members to feel connected and accepted. I think this is a great notion, especially for people who are in school or starting new jobs. 

Below is a brief video that explains the benefits of teamwork:

What do you enjoy about teamwork vs. working independently?  


Guffey, M. E. & Loewy, D. & Rhodes, K. & Rogin, P. (2015). Business Communication Process and Product. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education Ltd.
McKinlay, L. & Ross, H. (2008). You and Others. Toronto, ON: Pearson Education Canada.


  1. I really enjoy reading this, you really put the two points in perspective.

    1. Thank you Chris! I am glad you enjoyed it.
